Daily Routine
Our school is open for 33 hours, 20 minutes each week.
- 8:35 School gates open - Morning challenge for all pupils
- 8:45 Registration
- 8:50 Worship
- 10:15-10:30 Year 5 and 6 Morning break
- 10:30 – 10:45 KS1 and Reception class Morning break
- 10:35-10:50 Year 3 and Year 4 Morning break
- 12:00 -1.00 Lunch break
School meals are provided by the Farm Kitchen, menus are available online to download and select your child’s menu choice.
ALL children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 can eat Lunch for free – this is highly recommended due to the quality and nutritional value of the meals we give to the children.
- 1:00 Pupils return to class
- 2.05-2.20 KS1 and Reception class Afternoon break
- 3:15 End of school day and start of clubs
We offer a range of clubs for children to learn beyond the curriculum. Most of these are free, though some are provided by external organisations that charge on a termly or half-termly basis.