Welcome from the Executive Headteacher
At our school, we want all our children to be happy, responsible, caring and self-reliant individuals. We want to help them to develop lively, enquiring minds and to learn to appreciate and respect our world and its people.
We ensure our school’s curriculum engages all the children with their learning and providing them with the necessary "keys for life" in the world of today so that they can 'let their light shine'.
We believe we have high expectations for all our pupils and staff and know that all parents will help St. George’s to continue to be a very successful and thriving school for the benefit of everyone in the community. Parents have a vital role to play and we want to work together as a team.
If your child is already part of our school, you will be able to keep fully informed of what is happening in school by looking around this website. Do remember that we have an open door policy, which means you can contact us whenever necessary.
We were pleased that the last OFSTED inspection was able to recognise the many excellent strengths of our school, pupils enthusiasm for learning, the care and support they receive and stimulating environment they work within.
Childhood is a very special time and nobody gets a second chance at it. Together we will do our very best to make it as happy and successful as possible for your child. We hope that in later years your child’s memories of St George’s Church of England Primary School will be some of the best years of their life!
I urge you to please spend a few moments browsing around our school website to see a very small sample of what we do. If you are interested in a place for your child at our school, do please contact us to arrange a visit and have a look round.
Laura Martin
Executive Headteacher