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EYFS Science Week

Reception covered many areas of the Understanding World EYFS curriculum in Science week using practical and creative activities. The focus of the week was Time and this linked well with our topic of Spring, growth and change. 

We have tadpoles in our classroom and we have been watching them grow over the past couple of weeks. Science week has been a perfect opportunity to explore the life cycle of a frog and the children used a range of craft materials to make their own frog life cycle. We also learned some key facts about frogs and the children were able to recall these and make a frog fact sheet. 

Another life cycle we looked at was the process of a plant or flower. We used the story of Jasper's Beanstalk as the stimulus for this session and the children then examined the beans they had planted at the beginning of term. The children learned the parts of a plant or flower in terms of how they grow and then updated their bean diary to show what stage their bean plant was at. They also used play dough to create those different stages and looked at the life cycle of a flower/ plant. 

As Spring is our theme this term we looked at the changes Spring brings, but also all of the Seasons of the year. The children explored the seasons and then made a seasons wheel to track the seasons as they change throughout the year. Our forest school session was also a perfect opportunity to observe the seasonal changes. 

In continuous provision we also had lots of science based activities for the children to explore such as: making sand timers, flowers in food dye, cornflour gloop and fizzy colours. 

Amazing fun and learning was had in Science week 2024. We can't wait until next year!