Love Books Week

Wow! What a brilliant week we had at school, celebrating the opening of our new fantastic library and enjoying various activities related to books. Our special week culminated with a super day on Friday, when we welcomed parents into our classes to enjoy reading a book together with their children. We are so pleased that this was enjoyed by all involved and both pupils and parents spoke very highly about the event. Children thoroughly enjoyed dressing up as their favourite book characters and sharing their costumes in our special assembly in the morning.
We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all of you that kindly donated new or pre-loved books to our library. We really do appreciate your kind donations and the books are already being added to our library for the children to enjoy. A special thank you also goes to the children that took time to write a review of the books that they donated. These have been published in a book in the library in order to help other children decide which texts they would like to read.
Thank you for your continued support and attendance at this special event.
Mrs K Stevenson