William Hildyard Primary School is a Church of England day school for boys and girls from four to eleven years of age.
In September 1998, the school opened a Nursery Class for 3 and 4 year old pupils. The nursery operates morning and afternoon sessions with some all day sessions and is led by qualified Early Years practitioners and Teaching Assistants. Our EYFS leader (and Reception teacher) works closely with the nursery staff to ensure high quality provision throughout the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Children are admitted to Nursery at the beginning of the academic year in which they are four. Full details of the nursery organisation, admissions policy and procedures for admission are published in a separate brochure which is available on request from the school office.
The school has one Reception Class and two Key Stage 1 classes. There are four Key Stage 2 classes, these are from Years 3 to 6. All of the children are taught in single age classes but where appropriate they can work with children from other year groups.
Our school consists of eight permanent classrooms. The Nursery and Reception classes are housed in purpose-built accommodation. We have a spacious hall which is used for worship, PE, drama and dining at lunch-time. The school library is situated in a mobile classroom which is adjacent to the Key Stage 1 playground. There are also offices, a small kitchen, a resource area and a special needs and well-being room. We have two hard-surfaced playgrounds, a large playing field, an environmental area and a Forest School.
If you are considering our school for your child, please contact the office and we will be delighted to make an appointment to show you around our wonderful school.
Applications for admission to the school are made via the Lincolnshire County Council website available here.