British Values
The Department for Education have stated that there is a need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.” At William Hildyard Primary School these values are reinforced regularly and in the following ways:
- Each year every class works on an individual class charter, showing how we respect our rights through the PSHE theme ‘New Beginnings’.
- Lunch time charter – developed by the School Council
- Elections for sports Bronze Ambassadors.
- Election of school council, Eco council and Collective Worship Council
- Pupil surveys e.g. clubs, sports, curriculum themes
- Year 5/6 children responsibilities
- Year5/6 playground leaders
Individual Responsibility and Liberty
- Responsibility for own belongings
- Homework
- Reading diary responsibility
- Home/School Agreement
- Acceptable Use Agreement (E Safety)
- School club participation
- Walking around local area – park/swimming pool/church
- Educational visits
- School uniform
- School council, Eco council and Collective Worship Council Food for Life
- PHSE curriculum
- Treat Days
- Year group assemblies
- Christmas Production and Carol Service
- End of year production
- Family learning
Rule of Law
- Level 1 UNICEF Rights Respecting School Award
- A consistent behaviour policy is employed across the school
- PCSO assemblies and community links (road safety, stranger danger, fire safety)
- Parental questionnaires
- R-time, SMSC and SEAL curriculum followed
- Bikeability (Year 6)
- E Safety- learning how to behave in a digit world
- Anti-bullying education throughout the year and focused week in November
Mutual Respect
- Competitive sports links –Inter-school /Intra-school events
- PSHE/Circle Time curriculum
- RE curriculum
- Paired class work
- Anti-bullying week
- Fund raising events e.g. Children in Need, RND, Food bank etc
- Collective Worship
- Visitors to Collective Worship – Clergy, British Legion
- Community singing
- Parent helpers
- Adults model respectful behaviour
- School behaviour policy
- Link school in India
- Celebration of National events
- Curriculum information evenings
- Parent and Pupil consultation evenings
- Investors in People Award
Knowledge of Other Faiths and Beliefs
- RE curriculum
- Visits to places of worship from different faiths
- Supporting charities including Harvest food boxes and Food Bank
- Multicultural stories, toys, music
- Geography curriculum
- Links with local churches – Harvest, Easter and Christmas services
- Daily collective worship
- Links with other schools (locally and internationally) e.g. local primary schools, India